Last night we gave another lecture in Yueyang (岳阳) to a crowd of about 1,000. It was my first trip to Hunan, Catherine’s home province. Before the lecture we took a trip to 岳阳楼 and had our share of spicy Hunan food.
I had to leave shortly after I finished my talk to catch a train back to Beijing, where I arrived this morning to record “English Evening” for China Business Radio. This week was my first time to record the show with Cynthia, our new host.
One of the exciting things about our trip to Wuhan was how learning how much students there loved “English Evening”. I had no idea that the program is listened to by so many students around the country.
Tomorrow morning I fly off to Changsha (长沙), and will then take a bus to Xiangtan University (湘潭大学), where we’ll give another lecture. Xiangtan is Hu Laoshi’s alma mater, and we’re all very excited to take part in New Channel’s first trip to Xiangtan.