Despite the fact that he is almost certain never to read this, I would like to use this forum to make a public apology to the Bank of China teller I yelled at yesterday.
Most people regard me as having a pretty good temper. I don’t get angry very often. But there are some things that set me off. One of them is conversations like this:
(This particular instance involved cashing a check, but I’ve had the same conversation regarding traveller’s checks and during other banking transactions.)
“Sign here.”
“I did.”
“Sign here.”
“I did.”
“No, sign your name one letter at a time.”
“Do you want me to sign my name or just write my name?”
“Sign your name one letter at a time.”
Gets me every time. Sorry.
(p.s. My first iPhone post!)
maybe you should write your name letter by letter.
Maybe I should! I’m just used to signing my name in illegible cursive, but you’re right that I should probably adjust for the Chinese banking system. My anger is certainly irrational.
I think you should be accustomed to chinese custom as soon as possible?(*^__^*) ??……