After upgrading my iPhone 3G to iPhone OS 3.0, I wanted to try out MMS, but it’s not activated by default on the China Mobile network.
Google sent me to these two sites, which provide the answer in Chinese.
In case other people are looking for the same info, I thought I’d reproduce the info here in English:
China Mobile GSM Users
1. Go to Settings –> Phone –> My Number
and enter your number.
2. Go to Settings –> General –> Network –> Cellular Data Network
and enter the following settings under “MMS”:
APM: cmwap
MMS Proxy:
3. Restart your phone
China Unicom GSM Users
1. Go to Settings –> Phone –> My Number
and enter your number.
2. Restart your phone
3. There is no step 3.
China Unicom 3G Users
1. Go to Settings –> Phone –> My Number
and enter your number.
2. Go to Settings –> General –> Network –> Cellular Data Network
and enter the following settings under “Cellular Data”:
APM: 3gnet
and the following under “MMS”:
APM: uniwap
MMS Proxy:
3. Restart your phone.
Good luck!
1. I’ve heard that China Mobile limits the size of MMSs, and that pictures taken with the iPhone camera sometimes exceed that limit. My experience is that some go through and some don’t.
2. I suspect that jailbroken phones have had MMS for a while, but I’m not sure. I haven’t yet found a compelling reason to jailbreak. Is there a killer app out there that I can’t get in the app store?
3. I haven’t been able to find a similar method for activating tethering, another much-hyped iPhone OS 3.0 feature. This could be because I don’t know how to say “tethering” in Chinese, which limits my Googling abilities. Does tethering only work on a 3G network? Maybe tethering is the killer app that will convince me to jailbreak…
Hey John..thanx for the update..appreciated..!!
I am living in Shishi (Fujian) and have been using iphone 3g for a while now !!
In ur blog u mentioned about jailbreak..well first of all after jailbreaking..u can open the door for all new dimensions for ur themes..which u can’t get from app store..ssh (its a advance feature where u can connect ur phone via wifi n view everything in folders)..sbsetting (it is irritating to go to settings every time to open or close wifi..airplane mode..adjust brightness) but with this feature u can get drop down menu on ur home screen..caller id fix..n many more..but the best of all is to get the apps that u can get on app store for free..without paying a cent..I have almost every app that is useful..n haven’t paid anything till date..
In all jailbreaking is great..n if u want to know more on same..u can reach me at 13636989499..
Thanks, Jim.
Of what you mentioned, the drop down menu for common settings sounds the most interesting to me. I don’t really care about themes, and I don’t mind buying apps on the app store.
I guess the primary advantage of *not* jailbreaking is stress-free upgrades.
My iPhone 3GS with iPhone 3.0 software on China Mobile (CMCC) Go-Tone would only send MMS after I changed the proxy to:
Other than that all my settings are the same as John’s. Hope this helps.
hey john thanks i also have iPhone 3GS but i am still not able to work out with MMS, i am on China Mobile.
Hi Jasdeep,
Thanks for the feedback. Where are you located? Did you try the proxy setting that Forest mentioned?
Settings work perfectly for me as they are. Stopped me changing to Unicom this weekend & then having the problem of telling 400+ business contacts that my numbers changed.
Thanks very much.
Glad to hear it worked! The Unicom switch is tempting for the 3G speeds. I think I’m going to wait until an official version of the iPhone comes out in the mainland. It would be devastating to switch to Unicom (and have to tell everyone about a new number) only to have a special China iPhone come out the next week that supported China Mobile’s TD-CDMA. 🙂
But the biggest drawback in the official version for mainland china will that is the only issue which have been keeping the iphone to be officially launch in China (mainland) and rumors are that apples designated manufacturers in Shenzhen and Taiwan are working on the iphone without wifi..lets wait and see what will be the deal..
thx a lot mate it worked very fine on china mobile from Suzhou !!!!
Thank you very very very much! Everything works properly on China Mobile (Beijing)! )))
THX a lot just found out why it didnt work maybe u edit your post.
1.Phone number must be 013XXXXXXXXX
X ur number, i used first +86 13XXXXXXX
2.If you change your mms file size to 50000 or bigger all pictures will be send
I also installed the .ipcc file from which also activated Tethering !!!
Good day from Suzhou !!
Thank lots from Kunming. Worked as advertised!
hello, I just arrived in China my cmcc sim card is recognized by my iPhone 3G but i cant activate the data network because I do not have the infos to put in it! Any idea what that might be?
Hi François:
Go to Settings–>General–>Network–>Cellular Data Network
and change the APN under Cellular Data to cmnet.
That should work.
i tried all of the above for my China Mobile service in Guangzhou. Can’t get it to work. Any assistance here? It is bugging the heck out of me
thank to you man
Thanks to all , i can now using NET on IPHONE more smoothly in China
Great Going Guys
How to Enable Carrier Bundle Support in iTunes (Windows)
Hi, it also worked for me here in Shanghai with China Mobile. Also had to remove the +86 in front of my number in order for it to work.
Setting Works on China Unicom! Thanks!
you sir are the man, I have been fiddling with this phone (Iphone 3GS) for near on a week found everyones posts everything works great now thanks everyone
hi im in Guangzhou everytime i input mms settings in to my 3g 16gb running 3.1.2 it works fine and i can send/receive mms. But when the iphone powers down and turn it back on it cannot be read by itunes and tells me that my phone needs to be restored. this is like my 5th restore in 3 weeks please help!!!
My iphone 3G is jail broken running 3.1.2
Thank very much, i was Looking for these settings for quite some time. MR from Shanghai
Hi – I have a question that I hope some of you will be able to help answer. I have an original iphone upgraded and jailbroken to 3.0. I use China mobile and have a 2G package so the Edge network allows me to download email and browse internet (very slowly). The problem is when I leave Beijing (where I live) and travel to other cities in China the ‘E’ is displayed on my phone but it cannot connect to data network and download emails/browse the internet. Any ideas why this is or what settings might help?? Thanks A
I have unlocked Iphone 3GS from Hong Kong.
So is below the correct MMS Proxy for China Mobile (CMCC)?
MMS Proxy:
I live in Foshan and have been using the iPhone for over a year now. I have been pulling my hair out trying to find an app. in the Apple store for the MMS (all of which are a crap!). What you have suggests works like a charm. I bought my phone in Taiwan. How do I know if it is jailbreak??
I am very appreciate of your efforts.
Thanks a bunch
I just switched to version 3.1.2 me iphone and I want to know how to activate the MMS with China Mobile,
anyone know how?
thank you very much.
Work in Suzhou… HAPPY
Hi All,
I’m located in Guangzhou and been following the pages of configuring MMS for my US version 3G 16GB iPhone with firmware 3.1.2. My carrier is CMCC with an “Easy own” SIM. I’ve also followed the link/instructions from iClarified: to installed the CMCC cn.ipcc file downloaded from to the phone and the below settings:
my number: 013XXXXXXXXX
MMS Settings
APN: cmnet
MMS Proxy
MMS Max Message Size: 50000
And still cannot get it to send an MMS. I’ve been told that it’s my SIM but I’ve tested it on Nokia and it can send MMS, any suggestions before I swap to a 3GS?
Hi All,
Just got the 3G phone to work. Here’s what is need to be done for 3G phone in Guangzhou. There is no need to install the “Carrier ipcc” file. Simply make the following changes on your current phone with firmware version 3.0 or higher:
APN: cmnet
MMS APN: cmwap
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size: 102400
with the above settings you’ll need to ensure your “Data Roaming” is turned “ON” with setting your phone number in “Setting > Phone > My Number” to 13XXXXXXXXX. There is no need to have the “0” in front of your number. This is all that’s needed for Guangzhou on China Mobile network (CMCC). Just got two 3G iPhones working on these settings.
anyone know the max mms size that can be sent using an iphone in Beijing China? Thanks in advance.
I m in Shenzhen
Hye I hv IPHONE 2G jailbroken with 3.1.3ver.
Please help me start MMS on it, how shall i do it
Also how shall i set my internet, I am unsing China Mobile Sim
hellow I’m a freakin tard and phone no work theres apparently 4 pages of how to try to get it to work here but apparently i’m not reading any of it or even trying any of the many different instructions here i’m just repeating like a small retarded child “how me get MMS work!!!! how me get MMS work!!!” in hopes some magic sh!t is going to happen and somebody will say “abrafruckincadabra” and itt will all work. so how me get MMS work? me have iphone. in china. no MMS work. how me get MMS work?
you’re awesome, got it working fine… I’ve been thinking this whole time that iphones didn’t have MMS function in China- stranger things have happened… now does anyone know how to get push notifications here?
tried John´s settings on a iPhone 4 bought in Guangzhou (unlocked import), and after the restart the MMS function worked instantly with China Mobile. No problem at all and no changes made to the suggested settings.
How do I edit my phone number? Im on a jail broken Iphone 4. I just got the APN and MMS settings to show and it shows my phone number wth +86 in front of it. I don’t see anywhere to edit it. I can’t select it at all.
Hi Jorgen,
It’s under setting-phone-my number
Thanks for all the help here – Internet and MMS now working on my iPhone 3Gs OXv4.0.1 in Jinan.
If anyone is interested or looking to configure MMS for their iPhone 4 with China Mobile:
Please ensure you’ve upgraded to carrier update with China Mobile to 8.1 to verify this:
Settings>General>About: scroll down and confirm if you carrier is “???? 8.1”.
To enter your phone number or edit it:
Settings>Airplane Mode: “ON” then “OFF”
Goto: Phone>My Number
To access or enable “Cellular Data Network”
Turn face time on and pop out sim card and replace
If you have the above then set your cellular Data Network to the following:
Cellar Data:
APN: cmnet
APN: cmwap
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size: 102400
Cycle power on you phone and attempt to send a MMS…have fun!
If anyone is interested or looking to configure MMS for their iPhone 4 with China Mobile:
Please ensure you’ve upgraded to carrier update with China Mobile to 8.1 to verify this:
Settings>General>About: scroll down and confirm if you carrier is “???? 8.1”.
To enter your phone number or edit it:
Settings>Airplane Mode: “ON” then “OFF”
Goto: Phone>My Number
To access or enable “Cellular Data Network”
Turn face time on and pop out sim card and replace
If you have the above then set your cellular Data Network to the following:
Cellar Data:
APN: cmnet
APN: cmwap
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size: 102400
Cycle power on you phone and attempt to send a MMS…have fun!
Hey .. I have followed all the above.. I have a 3GS, with fully upgraded OS, and no Jailbreak.
How do I send an MMS ? I cannot see any option .. Do I need to download an App ? I am with China Mobile in Shanghai … nice town !!!