
Below is a response I posted to a post on Hu Laoshi’s forum: 准备演讲比赛的三部曲 1。选材料 这要看你参加的是什么样的演讲比赛。是要求你选别人的东西来讲还是要求你讲你自己写的东西?如果选别人的东西,建议你多花点时间找一个精彩的英文段子。你可以上网查Google; Famous speeches 或 Interesting Speeches 等。也可以问问朋友或老师他们有没有可以推荐的段子。 如果要自己写的话,就选一个你自己喜欢的话题,这样会是最精彩的演讲。写完之后,应该让朋友看,给你提建议,最后也最好请老师帮忙改一下语言上的错误。 2。练习 材料定了之后,就该开始练习。最好是请一个外教把内容录下来,然后你可以模仿他的录音。练习的时候要尽量用正常的声音,不要太小声(偶尔可以很大声的,很夸张的练,但这样的练习应该占小数)。 3。表演 到了你要演讲的那天,最关键是要放松,要很开放的讲。为了达到这个效果,建议你在那天之前先给几个朋友讲一便(或几便)。 祝你学习成功!

Spring is coming!

Spring is coming! Or is it here already? The weather is warming up here in Beijing, and the heat has already been turned off in some places. I was born in the spring (actually, tomorrow is my birthday!), and I’ve always considered it to be one of my favorite seasons. I’m from Durham, North Carolina, […]

Tonight’s lecture

Just got back from a lecture with Harvey (刘洪波) and Hu Laoshi at 北京理工大学. We had a great time and the students were very receptive. Harvey talked about primarily about vocabulary and culture, I talked about spoken English, and Hu Laoshi talked about the four different levels of listening. Our school is right across the […]