New Beijing, New Olympics

I saw someone wearing a t-shirt (picture) today that read, in English, “Tibet in China, Torch in Heart”. The Chinese, however, read “振兴中华,反对分裂”, which means something like “Revitalize China, Oppose Separatism”. The Chinese was not presented as a translation of the English, but it’s interesting to think about how the designer of the t-shirt (or […]

How many new cars are there each day in Beijing?

I ran across this article yesterday morning in the New York Times, and was excited by the headline: Beijing Stops Construction for Olympics. Since I live in Beijing, the prospect of construction stopping is rather exciting. I’d sleep better at night and breathe better during the day. Unfortunately, after actually reading the article, I learned […]

The Difference

I think David Brooks really nails what has happened in the Democratic primaries with this editorial. I don’t agree that it necessarily happened in a “moment” at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner, but maybe that evening crystalized it, and what he describes has, I believe, been a key dynamic of the campaign: Clinton had sounded like a […]