
Baseball has been cut from the 2012 Olympics! Wow. Sad. As some of you know, baseball is often referred to as “America’s National Pastime.” I’m surprised that it has been removed from the Olympics, and don’t quite understand the reasoning. According to the CNN article, one possible reason is the “doping”, or drug use, that […]


今天早上过来的时候,的士司机是交通台的路况信息员,车上装了一台CB Radio,他随时都会向电台报告我们所在的位置的交通情况。 Apparently, they’re not allowed to use English when they talk on the radio, even though some of them like to say “over” instead of “报告完毕”. I’ve always been fascinated by the possibility of Beijing’s taxi drivers learning English. They have the perfect environment: they’re stuck in the car with a tape player, and […]

Independence Day

Yesterday was Independence Day (美国的独立日). The truth is, I’ve been so busy that I almost forgot about it. I am proud to be an American, though, and proud of some of the ideals that the United States stands for. If you’re curious about some of the stories behind Independence Day, check here.


北京这些天很热,我们家还没装空调,天天晚上用电风扇,早上起来还是一身汗。已经过了这么久,是买空调呢,还是继续熬过去? 在新航道呢,我们大家都在忙着为暑期学生的到来做准备。加班加点,还是觉得很兴奋,我们期待着给所有的选择来新航道的学生一次难忘的暑假。